Wednesday, August 31, 2016

About Writing: A Visit from the Muse (and a plug for NaNoWriMo that was unplanned.)

Hello there! I don’t know about how any of you write. I write because people come to me and demand that I tell their tale. So, I basically transcribe what they tell me.

This morning, I woke up at 7 AM after closing my eyes after 1 AM.  I got up to use the toilet and my husband was awake and making coffee.  So I spoke to him about a few things. I came back into the bedroom to get more sleep – I can cope with 7 hours but 6 is just not enough for me. I settled into bed and closed my eyes. In that mysterious space between wakefulness and sleep, a story played out like film clips behind my eyes.  I call it a “story seed” because there were only 2 scenes.  Those 2 scenes gave a great deal of information and questions which need answers.  That’s a good start for any novel, right? What I am willing to say about it in public at this point is that it is a post-apocalyptic story.  I did not want to write post-apocalyptic fiction for NaNoWriMo -- people have asked me to expand the story of Jo, who you’ve seen in a few of the stories I’ve posted here. I didn’t want to tell her story because I think it will be very dark and sad. I don’t want to write 50K words about a dark and sad story.  The story seed I like the story seed that came to me. When the Muse visits, I don’t slam the door in Her face.  (Considering that I believe my Muse to be an aspect of the Goddess Bhride – that of Bardic Inspiration, I certainly would not slam the door.)

I gave you a description of the Nano ‘Verse on July 1st, as I was preparing for the July edition of Camp NaNoWriMo.  September and October are known as NaNo Prep months.  I have never used them before – I am usually a pantser with an outline.  I recently found a book I bought some years ago and promptly lost.  It was written by Chris Baty, Lindsey Grant and Tavia Stewart-Streit. (Chris Baty is the founder of NaNoWriMo.) The title is Ready, Set, Novel! A Writer’s Workbook, and it is full of activities and exercises to help plan your novel.  So the next two months will be full of the results of some of those exercises.  Instead of writing in the book, which I may want to use for another novel if the results are good this year, I will be using a notebook. 

If you are interested in participating in NaNoWriMo, I’ll tell you that I’ve had a blast doing it and this will be my 8th year.  Their link is . If you don’t already have an account (bad word but it is the only one that comes to mind and was no help at all), they will ask you for a username and other information. It is totally free.  They have a store and they will ask you for money from time to time, since they are a donation supported group, and that is how they survive.  When I have had the money, I have purchased the winner’s shirt as soon as it became available because I think “I can’t wear the shirt unless I win and I paid good money for that t-shirt, I can’t let it sit in a drawer unworn – I MUST win!”

While this was not originally conceived as a post pushing NaNoWriMo, it seems to be turning out that way.  Yes, I think every Writer should participate in NaNoWriMo.  It has made me a better writer. I’ve also been connected with my region for about 4 years now.  We have get-togethers and talk and write together.  Sitting in a room with other folks with the same goal doing word sprints is so much fun.  There are forums in which you can ask questions and connect with people all over the country and the world. I’ve learned so much from people on the forums, and I’ve become a better writer as a result.  If you decide to join, I’m Cedarwolfsinger over there, and I’d love to connect with you.  I am also willing to be a Writing Buddy for up to 5 people, so keep that in mind. A Writing Buddy is basically an accountability partner and cheerleader and problem solver and solutions finder.  Someone you can connect with to share JOY and ANGER and FRUSTRATION and all the other things you can feel in the course of the challenge of writing 50K words in a month! You can buy the book I talked about above through their shop, I know that’s where I got mine.

Interaction time!
Do you have a Muse?
How do you connect with your Muse?
Where does your inspiration come from?
I’m really curious, so please respond. Thanks in advance.

I hope your August ends in joy and your September is productive and upbeat.  It’s back to school time.  If you are in school – YAY you! If not – make it a point to learn something new in September!
Bright Blessings – Cedar/Michelle

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@michelle owings-chri

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and my new page for my new business venture as a Fashion Director with Park Lane Jewelry:

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Go For It!!!

New business ventures are exciting and fun.

Also nerve-wracking.

You know you can do this.

You know how to swim.

So take a nice deep breath –


©Michelle R. Owings-Christian 8/17/2016