Heyla, my Writing Buddies!
The last time I did this, I had 16 buddies.
This year I have *drum roll please* -- thirty-three. (33)
It’s a lovely sacred number. I’m just a bit surprised!
I still must find out if I can send a NaNoMail to more than one person at a time. (I hope so but don’t know.) Even if I can’t, and must click on each of your names to send the Pep Talk, I have decided to put the Pep Talks on my blog and post the link. If that DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU, let me know and I will copy and paste the text. OK, I think that is the administrative stuff out of the way!
This Zero Night (or NaNoEve) note is just to say I hope you are all excited and ready to go tomorrow. I know many people who are going to start writing at 12:01 AM tomorrow. My region is having an Online Kick-off Write-In tonight, and I am planning to join in. I’ll let you know how that works out!
The below link is to a YouTube video which is a meditation to unlock creativity. I finished listening to it about 20 minutes ago. I don’t know if my creativity has been unlocked but I have a huge amount of energy. I don’t think it can hurt you, even if you have never done anything like this before. If you still feel a bit disconnected when it is over, stretch and eat or drink something. That should bring you fully back. I found this on the NaNo site but I don’t want to send you looking so the link is below.
Have a wonderful evening and write well tomorrow. If it is already November 1st where you are – what are you waiting for? Get Writing!!
Write well! Write with Joy!
Bright Blessings – Cedar Wolfsinger