Monday, May 30, 2016

Night and Day

     Elissa Baines wasn't surprised by the arrival of a mob in her lane. She had made too many mistakes in the last few months – enough to bring the townspeople to suspect her. Elissa knew she wasn't the only vampire in the area. She knew there was a hunting pair who were responsible for most of the deaths. They had not made mistakes. She had and now would be paying for those mistakes with her life. At another time, she would have had the ability to apply a geographic cure to the problem. Twice before she had left her home when the rumours started. Not this time. She just didn't have the strength. If she were still human, she would have believed her nursing work at the clinic had caused her illness. Vampires did not become ill. They could become weak if denied blood. They could be injured by a wooden stake to the heart, or contact with holy water. They could even be killed -- by fire, beheading, and the light of the sun. As far as Elissa knew, she was the only vampire to become ill. She had fed regularly. She had even drained a victim, which repulsed her. No amount of blood gave her strength.

     Elissa stepped to her cottage door and waited for the mob. She knew these people, had become acquainted with them over the past year. She had provided herbal remedies for them when they had asked her, since most of them could not afford the care of a physician. The butcher, the baker, the tailor, the schoolmaster, the blacksmith and the farmers and tanners from the outskirts of the town. None of the doctors, nor the lawyers, nor the clergy had joined the mob – a fact Elissa found strangely comforting.

     Elissa opened the door and addressed the mob as it writhed before her doorstep like a mindless beast. “Good neighbors, why do you come to my home this way? How have I earned a midnight visit with torches, guns, and swords drawn?”

     The schoolmaster came to the fore. “Mistress Baines, we have heard rumours about you and some of us have seen you in the dark doing unspeakable things.” The volume increased at these words, and Elissa feared that the schoolmaster would lose control. He raised his hands and cried out “Peace! Peace, my friends!” For a wonder, they quieted. He spoke to her again. “We cannot be sure that the evil things we have heard are true. You have been so kind to so many people here with your nursing and your herbal remedies. Some of us cannot believe that you are a – a” he stuttered and voices from the mob shouted “Bloodsucker!” “Demon!” and then a change began of “Vampire! Vampire! Vampire!”

      Again, the schoolmaster motioned them to silence. “Since we cannot be sure, we will not wound you, nor put you to the fire. We will tie you to the Hanging Oak in the green. If we are mistaken, the sunrise will not harm you and we will release you. If not – you will disintegrate and we will be free of your horror!”

      Elissa was so tired. She did not have the energy to fight them. “I will come with you. Please have someone smoor my fire, and blow the candles out. I should hate for the cottage to burn down by mischance.”

      The blacksmith moved Elissa out of her doorway by main force, and saw to the fire and the candles. Then the schoolmaster took one arm and the blacksmith the other, and they lead the mob to the green and the Hanging Oak. Elissa sensed that her weakness had worried her escorts. They had borne most of her weight during the mile-long walk from her cottage to the center of the town. They brought her a stool to sit on and bound her securely to the tree.

      The hours that followed were a blur to Elissa. The leaders of the mob offered her both water and wine, and she remembered drinking some of each and feeling oddly refreshed. She heard the voices of the mob ebb and flow around her, as if a huge tidal wave had made the journey inland from the sea to surround the tree and drown them all. She knew she was tied to the tree, but she also saw faces of those she had loved and those she had nursed in the Crimea. She saw the piercing eyes of the Romanian Count Racozy, heard his devilish laughter again and again, as she relived her death and her change. She also heard the voice of the tree and the voice of her Father telling her to have courage. The memories were so painful, Elissa longed for the light of the sun. At least her release would be swift!

      All of a sudden, Elissa came to herself and realized that the crowd had gone silent and still – as if this entire portion of the world was holding its breath. Slowly, the sky lightened in the East. The Chariot of Light sprang suddenly into the sky, full and bright. Elissa saw it, took a deep breath (how could she breathe?) – and remained whole! The mob gasped with one voice and unraveled into individuals who were horrified at the ordeal they had forced upon her.

      The leaders untied her, and escorted her back to her cottage, apologizing profusely all the while. Elissa thanked them with as much grace as she could muster and watched their retreating forms. She sat down in her favorite chair and looked with wonder on the first new day she had seen dawn in sixty years.

©Michelle R. Owings-Christian, August 21, 2009

(Another story based on the main character in my Work In Progress. I had remembered writing it and the general premise [mob, tied to tree, does not die].  I find it interesting that in this story, before I wrote matter that will take place before it, Racozy is evil.  In the novel, he is not.)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Choices (Poetry to close out the week)

There is beauty in the world.
Sea and sky, meadows and forests.
This moment I will choose to magnify that beauty.
I will sing the trees and flowers.
I will paint the butterflies.
I will create equations so pure and lovely they will dance upon the wind.
I will be kind.
I will give my best.
I will be the Truth.
I will believe in the grace of Creation.
I will Walk in Beauty.
And Creation will flourish in my wake.
This day, this moment – I so choose.

©Michelle R. Owings-Christian, April 18, 2009

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Character Sketch -- Betwixt and Between

Another character sketch -- I didn't realize I had so many of these.  Ideas for NaNoWriMo for years!  

Betwixt and Between

     I am lost and alone, a memory of a memory. I am Cailin. I am the daughter of a human bard and a Warrior of the Fae. I am Cailin. I was fighting to end the siege of the Unseelie Court and the Nameless Dark against the Seelie Court. I felt pain, a ripping, tearing dissonance. I am Cailin. There – thrice named should mean ritually whole, factual existence. Why am I not more grounded? More solid? More substance than form? I hear voices from time to time – whispers on the wind. When I arrive where the whispers bide – no one is there.

     I sing back the Music and Magick stolen by the Nameless Dark. I am a song on the air, a voice on the wind. I step between the folds of time, in the creases of the veil between the worlds, searching for my lovers, Morgan and Tiffanari, searching for my comrades, RuneHawk and Richard – even for my Commander, Morloch, though for all I know, he would spurn me and name me traitor. They said that I might die, as my mother was human. Amidst the Chaos on the field, I feared Death. Drew my sword and dagger and fought against the Dark. I felt that searing pain, the snuffing out of the music, and was convinced that the Shadow Lover had claimed me. Then I awoke, stiff and sore, heart-sick and soul-sick, to find no evidence of a battle ever happening in that place. Even if we lost, even if the Starborn and the Dragonkin did not come to our aid, even had the forces of the Dark overtaken us all – Blessed Danu forbid – there would be bodies. There would be blood, and spent arrows, and broken swords and shields upon the field. I woke to sunshine, and the scent of flowers, and silence.

     I am Cailin. I hallow once more the ancient sites desecrated by the Nameless Dark. I sing the songs and the music renews the land. Soon, I will finish this work, as I have only a handful of sites left to visit. I search the open minds in the night, to find someone to answer my questions, to find someone to help me find my way back to my time, my world. I am Cailin. Besieged by doubt, loneliness, and despair. Lovers, comrades, commander – find me! Help me! I am Cailin. I am Seeker. I am Warrior. I am Bard. I will know the Truth!
©Michelle R. Owings-Christian, October 23, 2008

Monday, May 23, 2016

I wanted a little smile for your day -- sorry this is late

Customer Satisfaction

Notes: My husband and I sold candles as “Magicandle” for many years at the Pennsic War. This is a true story from that time.

      One August afternoon at the Pennsic War, I was sitting in my merchant booth enjoying a rare breeze. Suddenly, a large Knight entered the booth, approached me and declared in a booming voice “I have a bone to pick with you!”

      I blinked, stood up, curtsied, and asked, “Good Sir Knight, what is the problem? How can I help you?”

      He put his hands on his hips and said, “My lady, I bought a candle from you last year. I burn it, and burn it, and burn it, and burn it, and burn it, and burn it, and IT WON'T GO AWAY! So I can't BUY ANOTHER ONE!”

      By this time, he had almost smiled twice and I had realized that I wasn't going to have to refund his money. “Good Sir Knight, I am sorry that the longevity of our candle has vexed you. While you may not want to buy another candle exactly like the one that refuses to go away, my Lord Husband makes many different kinds of candles. Would you like to look around at our new stock?”

      He spent an hour perusing the goods and bought several of the new designs, including one of the castle candles. He took his leave with a smile, and I sat down again – this time with a cold drink! Some days, it takes a great deal of work to ensure customer satisfaction!

Friday, May 20, 2016

A Change in Perspective

   I do a great deal of my spiritual work in the Dreamtime and I know the difference between dreams and the Dreamtime. Therefore, it was not a huge surprise for me to have a stranger wander into my place in the Dreamtime and ask permission to share my fire.

   “Be welcome at my fire, Grandfather,” I said politely, as I assessed him. He was tree-tall and quite square. He moved awkwardly, as if he were hurt or not quite comfortable in his own skin. His head was covered by his hooded cloak. His voice was very deep and somewhat raspy. I imagined his singing voice, if he sang, would be basso profundo.

   He bowed and moved to a stump on the other side of my fire, which flared up as he sat down. In the Dreamtime, everything is a sign and/or a message. Sometimes you understand the meaning at once, other times you just store it for later review.

   “I have cold water and hot tea, Grandfather. May I offer you some?”

   “Thank you, Child, I would like some water. Tea is what prey drinks.”

   I smiled as I poured him a mug of water I had drawn from the stream which started in the cave behind me and ran to the right through the clearing. I handed him the clay mug with a bow and said, “May you never thirst.” Ceremony is important in the Dreamtime.

   He took the mug. “Thank you, Child.”

   I sat down and put the pad and pens I had been using into the bag at my feet. I then gave my Guest my full attention. Though I wanted very much to ask a possibly impertinent question, I have learned to hold my tongue when an Elder power comes to call.

   “You Witnessed at StarCrafter's ascension.”
   “Yes, I had that honour.”
   “Quite unusual for a human, is it not?”

   He drained the mug and set it down on the flat rock nearby. “I have been told you are not merely human.”
   “As have I, Grandfather.”
   He chuckled and I felt as if I had won the first round in a contest I did not remember entering.
   “A woman of few words, I see.”
   Oh, shit! Can't lie in the Dreamtime. Can't tell him I usually make more noise than the rustling leaves and the running stream put together, and then some, oh shit! What to say, what to say...
   “When circumstances require.” Thank you, whoever sent those words!
   He laughed out loud. “Taliesin has taught you well, child.”
   “As Himself is as famous for his teaching as for his Bardcraft, I am honoured that you believe I have learned some of what he has laboured to teach.”

   He laughed again and I noticed that the fire, which appeared far larger now than when I started it before the stranger arrived, leapt up at the sound. Clearly, this Elder was powerful, and I had best keep him amused.
 “Be calm, child. You are not prey.”
Oh, good, now I don't have to ask the impertinent question.
   “I am grateful that I am not prey.” I felt the time had come to ask a question. “Grandfather, did you simply happen upon me in your travels, or did you set out to find me?”

   “Healer Tallishandra and Johnathan of the Library suggested I might find you interesting.”
  Oh, great. Knowing Tallishandra and Johnathan, this was some kind of test. Gotta love your friends, even when they set you up.
  “Ah. Possibly the reason I am not prey?”

   He laughed so hard that his hood fell back. I gasped. Oh, shit, this is different! His head was large and somewhat oddly shaped, and his eyes were younger cousins to my fire. He realized he had blown his cover. “Child, no matter what you see, remember you are not prey.” With that, he began to change and I understood why he had seemed awkward in his skin. It was not his best seeming.

   I am not prey, I am not prey, oh, dear, Lady Mother Goddess, he's huge, I am not prey!

   A moment later, I was looking up at an immense reddish purple Dragon who carried the markings and wore the breastplate of the Royal House. (Thank you, Johnathan, for that course on the Heraldry of the Allied Kindreds.) I bowed and said, “You have me at a disadvantage, Dragon Lord. Might I know who it is with whom I have had the honour to share fire?”
   Oh, dear Lady, he's HUGE, I am not prey, he said I am not prey.

   “I am Rollani, King of Fire and Air, second only to the Mother of All Dragons in rank.”
   I bowed lower. I am not one for curtsies, and they most certainly do not work when you are wearing trews. “A pleasure to meet you, Your Grace. How may I serve you?”

   “You may serve me by becoming more fully who you are, Child. You were born to humans. You know yourself to be of the Fair Kindred and of the Star Kindred. I now claim you as a Child of Fire and Air.” Then he let loose with a cry that reminded me of a brass choir with a majority of tubas, trombones, and baritones, with only a sprinkling of French horns and trumpets.

   My heart leapt in response, as my fire had done earlier. Suddenly, I felt such a searing pain that I thought I might die and I was sure it would be an improvement. My skin and bones, organs and tissues seemed to morph from solid to viscous. There was even more pain as they began to change, and grow and shift. Then I found myself a mere head shorter than His Grace, wearing the form of a Dragon.

   “Someone might have warned me, Your Grace.”
   “Why? So you could run away?”

   He laughed again. “Now, come fly with me, Child of Fire and Air!”
   In joy, I flapped my wings and rose to the sky, hoping it would be a long night.

©Michelle R. Owings-Christian, January 23, 2009

 (This was written as a character sketch for a novel.  I shelved it when the story seemed to be going nowhere.  Perhaps I should dig it out again?)

You can find me on Facebook on my personal page:

I am also on Twitter:
@michelle owings-chri

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Changing it Up -- A Little Poetry for your day!

I am who I am
You are who you are
Sometimes the flow, at others the ebb
Many strands weave one web

My life is a song
Your life is a dance
They need not be the same
To make aesthetic sense

So may it be written
So may it be done
Unity is Harmony
Out of many
We are one

©December 5, 2008 – Michelle R. Owings-Christian

You can find me on Facebook on my personal page:

I am also on Twitter:
@michelle owings-chri

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Published Work -- Advice for Administrative Professionals

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I am also on Twitter:
@michelle owings-chri

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Sorry for the lateness of the post -- Technical difficulties derailed my original plan -- I Alone Am Left Behind

I alone am left behind to tell the tale. That is a very difficult place to be in. My mother died in 1992 and my father died in 2003.  My older brother died in 2010.  His son, my nephew Rich, will be 38 this year.  He and Allison, his wife, had a little girl named Rose.  On April 16, 2015, Rose will be one year old!!! Rich called me to tell me that they were expecting.  During that conversation, I made reference to a family story.  Rich had never heard it.  His father had never told him. 

I consider myself to be a Bard.  Traditionally, Bards were poets, chroniclers, historians, and story tellers.  So, I alone am left behind to tell the tale.  I am very aware of the fact that I am the keeper of the stories of my family.  My nephew has never heard them.  His daughter has the right to know about this side of the family.  Feeling all this very strongly, I have decided to write the stories of my family and put them in a binder for Rose and, of course, for her father.  He can decide what to read to her and when to release some of the more raunchy tales.  I am calling this project “Legacy Tales”.  My project for Camp NaNoWriMo next month is to gather what I have which are bits and pieces in various places, some electronically, some in manuscript, and to make it into a coherent set of stories. This is one of the first stories which will be in the book of Legacy Tales I give to Rose on her first birthday.

My parents met during World War Two, and they had a strange and delightful courtship.  When Dad wanted to marry her, he sent the engagement ring to her from San Francisco to New York City.  Mom was living at home with my Grandparents and many of her sisters and brothers.  The package with the ring in it came while Mom was at work.  Grandma let the sisters open the package.  They “oohed” and “aahed” and they passed the ring around and they all tried it on.  My Mom came home from work and they showed her the package and the letter.  She went on a tirade.  They had no right to open her mail.  When they found out what it was they should have left it for her.  They had jinxed it, and she was going to send it back, and they had ruined her life.  Then she went into her room and slammed the door.  She was on her bed crying when my Grandmother opened the door.  My Grandmother *never* apologized to anyone in my experience.  There was her way and the wrong way.  In this case, however, she apologized to my Mother, took responsibility for allowing the girls to open the package and try on the ring.  The question she asked my Mom before she left the room was:  “Are you going to make Charlie pay for what we did?  He wants to marry you.  Don’t punish him because we were stupid.”

Mom kept the ring and sent a letter back saying “Yes, of course, I’ll marry you.”  They were married in 1945, my brother Ricky was born in 1946.  I was born in 1956.  As I grew up, I loved Mom’s engagement ring.  I heard her story about what happened when it arrived more than once.  She told me I could have it when I turned 16.  After my “Sweet Sixteen” party, when I asked her if I could have it, she said “I’m not ready to give it up yet. When you’re 18, we’ll see.”  Note that my mother had been unable to wear the ring for as long as I could remember, having developed arthritis.  It sat in her jewelry box.  She let me look at it by turns.  When I was 18, I asked her about it.  She said “I’m not ready yet.  When you’re 21, I’ll be ready.”  Fast forward to my 21st birthday.  I asked her and she looked at me and I knew she wasn’t ready to give it up but felt bad because she kept promising it to me.  So I said “Mom, when they plant you, right?”  She smiled and little and said “I’m afraid so, honey.”  Then she hugged me and we laughed and cried a little and it was all fine.  I had the best parents in the world and I miss them every day.  They would have adored having a great granddaughter, and they would have spoiled her rotten.  As the only one left alive of this branch of the Owings family, it is my job to give Rose the stories of her great-grandparents and the grandfather she will never meet (my brother).  I know this to be true -- parts I have lived and parts are the story as it was told to me by my Elders.

You can find me on Facebook on my personal page:

I am also on Twitter:
@michelle owings-chri

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thought and Memory

The Tree seems to like us, my mate and me.  In Midgard again, roosting in the Tree.  It is coming on for Spring – there is a breath of warmth on the winds, and the trees are starting to show green buds. It seems that a teenage group likes this territory.  I am not clear if the other ravens can see us.  I know that they can see the Tree but are smart enough not to touch it.  Clever of them.  I watch.  I remember.

The mating flights are quite fun to watch.  The young males trying to impress the females, the females letting them think they are impressed. So it goes.  So it has ever gone.  Long upon long.  I watch.  I remember.

Once, I was a female who had her eye on one male, as clever as he was handsome.  His dips and rolls and other fancy flying just confirmed my desire. He came for me, did Huginn. We chased and turned and twisted.  Then I let him catch me.  As we were falling, he reached out to clutch at a tree branch. We settled, then ruffled our feathers to get our breath back.  We rested, together, for a time.  Then he began to bring me the sticks and down and leather to make the nest for our young.  I remember.

I felt very safe and secure in the tree my mate had chosen.  I noticed that the surroundings were not always the same.  Once, Huginn had flown for hours, circling, trying to find the tree, unable to do so.  Then, he told me, it had shimmered into existence where it had always been. Most trees do not act that way.  We shrugged it off, laughing about it.  The tree we had chosen was certainly unique.  Therefore, our clutch would be unique as well.  I remember.

In the fullness of time, I laid my eggs, kept them warm while my mate brought us both food, and watched them hatch.  Just after they hatched, at the end of a hunt, Huginn neared the tree and realized there was a hawk on his trail.  He circled, the hawk screamed and came for me.  The hawk lit on the tree, coming for me or my young.  I cried out – and the tree shimmered, leaving the space-time where it had been, leaving the hawk behind, but taking me, my mate, and my young with it.  We were shaken, my mate and I.  Our younglings cared not, as long as they were fed.  The prey my mate had brought with him from the hunt had also made the transition with the tree, so we were able to feed them, and ourselves.  I remember.

Huginn searched for other trees to choose for homes, having been thoroughly frightened by the transition of this tree.  However, within 10 miles, there were no trees.  None but this one.  Huginn found wells in plenty, and such small creatures as were good to eat.  His hunts always brought us enough food.  Several months passed, and it came time to send our fledglings out into the world.  We were both concerned about what world we would send them into.  We had a discussion about that, came to no clear determination, and agreed to talk about it in the morning, on the other side of sleep.  I remember.

I remember waking to the dawn of the world into which I had been born.  I believe the Tree had heard our discussion and made a decision for us.  During the next while, my mate showed our brood how to hunt.  When we were certain they could fend for themselves, we pushed them out of the nest.  One by one, they cried and complained.  One by one, we chased them away.  When they were well and truly gone, my mate and I slumped against one another.  We were wearied to the bone. It is not easy to make your children go out to fend for themselves.  So it goes.  So it has ever gone, for long upon long.  I remember.

I am sure that we slept, as weary as we were.  We woke to the sounds of groaning below us.  Looking down, we saw a man hanging upside down above a well.  His face was as grey as the ashes after a fire in the trees – which is not a color humans customarily come in. He looked as weary as I felt.  He also had a sense of victory about him, though his face was swollen and he was missing an eye. As we watched, trying to take in the sight, the Tree shook itself fiercely.  When the shaking subsided, the man was no longer in the Tree, but sitting on the ground below, near the water, talking to a figure who was made of gossamer mist.  We looked on.  We did not understand.  I remember.

All at once, they both looked up.  The man who had been hanging looked much better, his face starting to approach the color it came in.  He also sported an eye-patch.  He had a small horn in his hand, in which was a draught of the water from the Well.  He called to us.  He called to us and we left the land in which we were born to fly the world over and bring him news.  It was long ago.  We have worked for the All Father for long upon long, down the marching span of centuries.  I have never had another clutch.  I made peace with that long ago.  I am Muninn and, though I don’t live in the past, I remember.

©January 4, 2015, Cedar Wolfsinger

You can find me on Facebook on my personal page:

I am also on Twitter:
@michelle owings-chri

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Musings on the Sky

I sit on the branch of the Tree under a grey sky which shows small hints of clearing. I preen my feathers, and watch the sky for Huginn’s return. I could get lost in this sky. Perhaps Huginn has done so and forgotten his purpose. He will recall it eventually. The sky is heavy and dark, though it shows promise of brightness. The Tree has chosen to be here, in Midgard, for a span of days of its choosing. Perhaps Allfather knows. I have seen the sky after many a storm. The colors of the sky, the weight of the clouds, the glimpses of sun are always and never the same. I have flown into skies such as this, in search of prey, in search of some ephemeral thing I cannot define. I remember. Allfather fears a day when we will not return to him. We are bound to him for long upon long -- from the time before he gave up his eye and gained the wisdom of the runes (which gives him clearer vision than his eye ever did) till Ragnarok. I remember.

All the wisdom of the world, the knowledge of the Norns, the justice of Tyr, the Hammer of Thor cannot change what has been foretold. We wait. We enjoy our small pleasures. We see omens in the clouds, in the entrails of our prey, in the runes, in the bones. We watch the sky, the sun, the shimmers of light on still waters and hope against hope that honor will prevail. There are visions in the water, in the smoke, in the fire. I remember.

I watch the sky. I listen to the murmur of the Tree. I preen. I listen to the voices on the wind. For long upon long I have done these things. I will continue to do them. They are my work, my geas, and my life. I have my bonds with Allfather and my mate. We are some strange amalgam of shared experience, hopes, dreams, and fears. We are the eyes and ears of the All Father on Midgard. I often sit in trees. I rarely sit in the Tree. Yet we are in Midgard and the Tree does not seem to take offense. Huginn scouts. I scout. We hunt. Huginn brings word to Allfather. They examine, assess, and discuss the information. They think, they worry, and they plan.

I watch the sky. I see the colors and the clouds. They are beautiful as they have been and ever shall be. I wait through the storms, and enjoy their aftermath. I remember, for I am Muninn. I watch the sky for long upon long and I remember.

© December 2014 Cedar Wolfsinger (Michelle R. Owings-Christian)

You can find me on Facebook on my personal page:

I am also on Twitter:

@michelle owings-chri

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Welcome to my new blog page – Wordcrafter.  While the work I am doing at Roots & Branches is extremely valuable, I realized recently that my writing needs a platform.  I decided to build Wordcrafter as a blog to showcase my writing.  I will be posting fiction and non-fiction, and also some thoughts about writing three days a week. This will also be the place where you can keep tabs on my projects -- the Camp NaNoWriMo in July and National Novel Writing Month in November – as well as my novel in progress.

I have a word count goal of 30,000 words for May.  Much of that will be research for the novel – I have to get my MC from Boston to points west, and I don’t know the exact point or points west!  I’m doing a great deal of reading about the American frontier in the 1880’s.  Some is dreadful – the planned eradication of the buffalo by the U.S. Army to bring the Native Americans to the reservations by destroying their food supply, for example.  Some of the other bits are fascinating – the fact that the Railroad companies went to Germany and Sweden and Norway and recruited folks to come and live near the proposed route of their tracks by giving them money and reduced rates on travel.

I hope you enjoy this new venture. 

You can find me on Facebook on my personal page:

I am also on Twitter:
@michelle owings-chri

LinkedIn profile: