Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Pep Talk -- 11.8.2016 -- Tuesday, Week 2

Hello, there!

Your affirmation for today is: 

Writer’s block is NO match for my desire to get my thoughts into writing!

To reach 50K by the end of the month, the target word count by the end of today is 13336.

So, we survived week one!  Hooray. Now we find ourselves in week two. Statistics show that the people who drop out of NaNoWriMo often drop out during week two. The new shiny bright thing they were writing is not so shiny or bright. They are tired of giving up whatever they have given up to find the time to write. They want to watch TV or play video games or do more social media or go out with their friends. This is no longer new and exciting, it is boring, and tedious, and they hate this stupid story anyway. WAAAAAH!!!

I don’t feel like that. I’ve done this for years and week two is never my crisis week. That usually comes in week three when my Muse decides to take a trip to the Bahamas without telling me and I have no words to string together on the page.

I hope you are entering week two still feeling pleased about what you are writing. My novel is a great mess. It is as if I have quilt squares, and they are quite nice – yet I have no idea how to put them together to make a quilt!!  However, this is NaNoWriMo. It is a first draft. It is not meant to be perfect. I still love the world I am creating, and my characters, and the things that I am finding out as I write.

Find something that you still like about what you are doing. Capitalize on it. If you are stuck, try a different approach. If you always set a timer and sprint, sit down and just breathe and then free-write. If you NEVER sprint, set a timer and write at break-neck speed until the timer sounds. If you always free-write, work on a bit of structure. (All words count in November, if they are connected to this story or the process of getting it written.) If you always depend on structure, free-write. If you always listen to music, try silence, or change the type of music. If you never listen to music, try it for ten or fifteen minutes.

I hope you are still happy to be doing NaNoWriMo and meeting your personal goals. If you need help with anything send me a NaNoMail or reply to this and we’ll see if we can brainstorm a new approach for you.

Write bunches, write with joy!

Bright the Day – Cedar

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