Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pep Talk -- Day 3 -- Thursday, Week 1

Hello, there!!

This is Day 3. To be on target to make 50K this month, the word count goal by the end of today is 5001.

I hope you all got the message about the new system. There is a new thread “Pom Poms and Pep Talks” in the Writing Groups and Clubs forum on the site. My pep talks will be posted to that thread.

I will also be posting them to my Cedar – Wordcrafter blog.

I have been writing consistently. Currently, I am ahead of word count and have yet to start writing for today. I didn’t do enough research before this month. Consequently, some of my writing looks more like research notes. However – they are words, they are about this world and the folks in this novel. NO ONE WILL EVER SEE THEM IN THIS FORM EXCEPT ME! If I am the only one who will see them, it doesn’t matter what they look like.

I have discovered the split-screen feature in Scrivener. It is very useful to have plot notes, character notes, character names and such things open on one side while I type new words on the other. It makes me very happy!!

I hope you are all typing busily when you can. Remember, no matter what number of words you write on any given day – they are more words than you had the day before. Just keep writing!!
Your Day 3 affirmation:

Bring it on, blank page! I am ready to fill you with amazing words!

Keep writing, write bunches, write with joy!

Bright the Day -- Cedar


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