Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Who Are You?

I walk the plains of the Kindred of the Winds. They can see I am one of the Fair Folk -- since I am not one of them and the StarBorn flicker in the light of the twin suns. I walk alone, as the entourage of the Ambassador, my Father, bores me witless.

"Who are you?" they ask.

How should I answer? The simplest answer would be my name. My name, which would be just so many syllables to them, not knowing the stories our names tell.

"I am Tiffinari. I'm with the Ambassadors from my home."

All of which is true. Not surprising, since the Fae cannot lie.

"They are in conference with the Leaders of the Star Folk and Our King and the Mother of our Kindred. Why are you here?"

"I am the youngest member of the entourage.  The talk of tariffs and trade, and who gets what Embassy, and where it should be located -- that makes my head spin."

Again, the truth, if perhaps not the Truth.  None of my Elders have yet told me what may be shared and what may not.  I think it makes me sound like a child or somehow impaired. I suppose I can attribute that to a failure with the translating spell. Which will, of course, make them think I am incompetent.  There appears to be no way to be cautious without being seen as a fool.

I am not a fool. I know how important this Alliance is to my Folk, the Starborn, and the Kindred of the Winds.  StarChild believes that I am the only one of the members of the entourage of the Ambassador who can be seen as safe to those of the Wind's Kindred who have heard of the Alliance but have not yet met one of the Allied Kindred.

I am a crafter of magick, of glamourie, of spells, of song and story. Thanks to the Bright Arrow, I love to work at the forge. I am, however, a whitesmith, not a blacksmith. I am the one of my Kindred here present to whom these folk are most likely to relate. My mission is to walk among them, to ask and answer questions, to converse with them in a non-threatening manner.

I am Tiffinari. That is as much as I can say presently. In the fullness of time, I hope these good folk can know me for all the gifts I have. They ARE good folk.  I know why the Alliance is important, over and above what Father, StarChild, StarCrafter, and StarMother have stated. These good folk, who are so different, have much to teach the Fae and the StarKin. The changes that are so pervasive in their daily lives give them a love of and a desire for structure and a culture in which stability and immutable rules are prized above all measure.

I am Tiffinari.  I am a student. I wish to learn the Wisdom of the Kindred of the Winds. That is certainly a Truth. It feels *right* somehow, as if the resonance rings in the Heart of the Home of the Fae, in the Heart of StarHome, as it carries on the eternal winds of the home of these good folk.

October 3, 2014  Cedar Wolfsinger (Michelle R. Owings-Christian)

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